Please tune up the volume of the speakers, to enjoy this smoothing, sad love song

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

ehhh... a bit strange...

this webby actually says that i am......

You Are 23 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Monday, October 17, 2005

come across a webby that test ur age of thinking

this is my age of thinking
go to here and test it out

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Finally~~ I get to see my God Bro

Yesterday, 15th Oct, Sat, made a very impt decision, wat isiz? Visit my god bro at his chicken rice stall... LOL... (^_^) I call it OPS GOD BRO...

Below is the description of the mission/objective...

Mission 1: See my God Bro (Danger Code: Safe)
Mission 2: Taste his chicken rice (Danger Code: Safe)
Mission 3: Give comment on his chicken rice (Danger Code: 9413, 1 wrong word will result in Samurai Sword on my neck)
Mission 4: Da Bao 1 packet of chicken rice to MUM (Danger Code: 7788, can be done a not depend on Mission 3)
Mission 5: Dun get drunk (Danger Code: 5050, semi dangerous, depend on how much i can drink, how much my god bro can drink and depend on how much $$ I have)
Mission 6: Deliver chicken rice to MUM at her workplace (Danger Code: 7788, can be done a not depend on Mission 3, 4 and 5)
Mission 7: Pay for the chicken rice that I ate (Danger Code: 5050, I know my god bro, he wont ask me to pay one, but if I insist to pay he also lan lan... evil grinz*)

Below is the result of the Missions:

Mission 1: Soon Soon Lee Lee (Success)
Mission 2: Super EZ, just ask for wat I want, then open mouth and eat (Success)
Mission 3: Quote from a statement from the
SengBros : No Good U Slap My Face (Success)
Mission 4: Super EZ also, just ask for wat I want also (Success)
Mission 5: My god bro can definitely drink more than me, share abt 5-6 bots of KNOCK DOOR (wat isiz? lol go figure) as I got stuff to do later on, i cannot drink too much, I admit lose, but at least I dint get drunk hahaha (Success)
Mission 6: Not so ez, find a cab quite hard, as I dun always go to Toa Payoh, kinda miss my way also, but nevertheless, delivered chicken rice to MUM
before 5pm(her dinner hr) (Success)
Mission 7: Expected, my god bro say no need to pay, but i insisted... paid for my meal.. NICE (Success)

Overall, OPS GOD BRO declared SUCCESS... cheers (^_^) V

Below is the Spoilts of War, The Pics la, courtesy of my god bro...

God Bro SHK, act seh pose infront of camera.

Me act seh drinking pose infront of camera.

Really trying very hard to act cute.

ok... the normal us.

A side note, A Quote from my cousin Ah Wei, "If I'm attached, I will love my woman. But I'm now single because I love Women"

Guys, If u wanna know where is my god bro's stall, its at Blk 206, Toa Payoh North (hehe do a bit of advertisement for him)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

writing a blog = reporting strength??

Friends, cousins always ask me, "Oi, how come ur blog dun update so often one?" When they always ask me this question, I always ask myself, "Isiz neccessary to update blog so often?"

Read some blogs, discover that most of the blogs that i have seen (dunno isiz i sway or isiz its not the time yet), is basically telling ppl, oh wat i have done today, normal routine of life, boring and uninteresting stuff... things like going to (eg.IKEA) to buy stuff and then go home also need to write/report on blog...

Maybe I should tell u guys, I am BZ... working... doing my favourite stuff etc... no interesting things for me to blog/write on... Life has being quite boring for me ever since i R.I.P (guys who know my meaning of R.I.P should know wat it means)

But anyway, just to update, maybe let me just share with u guys the Carls Jr outing that I had with 2 of my friends and my cousin on last Sat (8th Oct, see so long ardy then I write)

Last Sat, after my work (which ends at 1pm), me and Jasper(friend) stay back in the company awhile to play WORMS (LAN), yeah yeah i know its a old game, but its fun... training with Gunbound dint fails my aiming, OWN Jasper... wahaha

after that, make our way to Marina SQ, suppose to meet Henry(friend) and Gabbie(cousin) there at ard 2.30pm, along comes Henry, followed by Gab(in the nick of time 2.29pm)as soon as Gab sat down, we all stand up and go and order our food, *evil grinz*

When all our food is being served, its time for the Carls Jr Experiences Video, exclusive by Ah Khiang (me), take out my Samsung E720 phone, set everything to highest quality and camera, roll, action... acting as a host, I so called "interview" the 3 of them on their experience with Carls Jr... Gab is a 2nd timer while Henry and Jasper are 1st timer... I wish i can find some webby/URL/hosting sites where i can share the video with u guys... no pics were taken... wasted... only videos... becoz although a picture says a 1000 words, but a moving picture says a millions... hehe... ah khiang theroy again

soon after we finish our meals, Jasper and I aint enough, I challenge him to a 2nd round of burger... i also took a video of that... lol... (same, no chance to share with u guys, unless ur have suggestion on hosting webby/URL which i can upload the vidz)

finally, the battle of the (hungry) titans is over, with our FULL and satisfied stomach, its time to make our way to bugis for some 2 fast 2 furious car racing action... Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2

reached the holy ground, as usual, its full of racers, no place for us... haiz... nvm... look at how the pros play also song...

few mins later or so... finally its our turn to race... Henry, Gab, Me and Jasper, each armed with a 600HP car, except for Jasper who has a 800HP Subaru WRX, started our engine, Vroom~! Vroom~!

Soon, Henry's Nissan Fairlady Z33, Gab's Nissan Skyline GTR R34, my Nissan Skyline GTR R32 and Jasper's Subaru Impreza WRX STI Version VI GC8, hit the Wangan Highway... Slamming, PIA~!, Bang~! this is the result of playing against each other... bumper car style...

after the battle on the road, we stay back a while to watch Jasper play, as he needs alot of improvement lol... then we proceed on to Paradiz centre to par pool, i dint play coz i dun quite like to play pool even though i know how to play abit...

Little did I realise, there is this soccer match btw England and dunno which country show on the TV... knn... when the soccer player try his attempt at the goal... knn Jasper shouted so loud... making me sooo paiseh... I was like (-_-)"""""""" how many sweat also not enough... as me and Gab is gonna meet Ah Wei(another cousin) for la Kopi session, we make a move 1st... wah.. its abt 12am liaoz

as usual, we all meet up at our usual "xiao long nu" 24hr kopitiam... the content of our converstation?? lol i forget abt it ardy... becoz... its always "there gong there song" watever things we say there, once we leave there, we will forget abt it... left kopitiam at abt 2am

go back to ah ma place and stay over nite, by the time we go and sleep, its abt 5am liaoz... lol wat a tiring sat... (^_^) V dun say i dint update my blog hor.. i try my best to update liaoz... hehe