Please tune up the volume of the speakers, to enjoy this smoothing, sad love song

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Names for Success, Luck and Attractiveness

James and Richard successful names for males
Elizabeth and Caroline successful names for females

Jack and Chris luckiest names for males
Lucy and Katie luckiest names for females

Ryan and James attractiveness names for males
Sophie and Rachel attractiveness names for females

Ryan and Brian least successful names for males
Lucy and Lisa least successful names for females

Thomas and John unluckiest names for males
Elisabeth and Helen unluckiest names for females

Thomas and George least attractive names for males
Jane and Ann least attractive names for females

Just to summarize:

James, being the successful and attractive name for male
Ryan, being the attractive and least successful name for male
Thomas, being the unluckiest and the least attractive name for male
Lucy, being the luckiest and the least successful name for female
