Please tune up the volume of the speakers, to enjoy this smoothing, sad love song

Monday, December 01, 2008

Angry Encounter @ an Army Camp in the West

Today i went to an Army Camp in the West to purchase some army stuff as well as eating in the canteen (since i was in that Camp 4 years ago as a NSF)

I arrived the camp in taxi. 4 years ago, taxi had to park outside and we are required to walk in. As i arrived the camp at ard 1pm plus, the main gate is open, so i try my luck by asking the cabbie to drive in to the camp and stop at the guard house, the guards and the gate IC dint stop me, so i tot, "wow, since when army camp is so liberal" nevertheless, i paid my cab fare and alight, my dress code, Tshirt, 3/4 pants, slippers.

I sign in at the guard house, hand over my IC in exchange of a camp pass.

Now being a normal civilian, things like camera phones, handhelp console (PSP, NDS) are some of the usual stuff that i bring along when i am outside, I was surprise the guards, MP or RP dint ask me to surrender any of the above. Talking about sercurity?? Lol I see none here. Nonetheless, I proceed on to the Emart to purchase my stuff. (thanks god they dint make my life difficult)

After i purchase my stuff, ate the canteen food, i walk down the stairs to go to toilet, passby cook house, just when i was about to make a turn to the toilet, I was stop by a Warrant Officer (As he was in Army Tee and shorts, I dint knew he was a WO till later on) and was questioned on why am I in slippers walking around. (Shortly after his colleagues came by, 1WO Chua and another specialist in uniform)

As I was in a hurry (to the toilet), perhaps my tone isn't that good, i just say, "I am a civilian coming to Emart to buy some stuff." Then I rush off to the direction of the toilet. Once again, I was ordered a halt by 1WO Chua as on "Why my tone is so hostile?"

ok, a break at this point to state my point of view... WTF is going on here?

This 1WO Chua, (in my Point of View, I think he is afraid of offending the higher ranking officers), he ask abt my rank and my name 1st (just in case i am a officer). In my thinking, I wasnt commiting any offences of being sounded "hostile", i gave false info on my name (with the thinking that he wont be so garang as to book me or stop me from leaving the camp).

After all the soft "argument", i ask the WO and 1WO Chua, "Can I go to my toilet now?" (my bladder gonna explode liaoz), I was let go to my toilet break.

at this point, pls bear in mind that I am a normal civilian with camera phone and NDS (which i was not told to surrender) and with slippers and 3/4 pants

After the letting off of yellow water, I proceed on to the guard room to get out of here, BUT~! little did I realise, the NSF in the guardroom asked me if i had some conversation with some WOs earlier on, i said yes, then I was told that the WOs dun allow me to go out of the camp till they arrived at the guardroom.

at this point of time, i am thinking, siao liaoz, i gave false name/info to 1WO Chua, if he tallies with my IC, i die liaoz

Nevertheless, i wait for the arrival of the 3 (WO, 1WO Chua and a specialist in uniform)

1st, I was question on why I lied on my name, (i am thinking i am not committing any crimes or offences, y should I give u my true infos when I was permit an entry at the guardhouse?)

I am on the losing end (since I lied), i apologize to 1WO Chua that i lied abt my name.

2nd, I was question on why my attire is Tee, 3/4 pants and slippers?

Lol, this question is really a WTF question (this is my thinking)

I answered, 1st, there are no written rules saying that the above mentions were not allow to wear to camp. 2nd, being a normal civilian, cant i wear wat I like when i just wanna buy something? 3rd, if my attire is really that inapportiate, i should be stop at the gate, but why am I granted an entry?

Then after the tallying of my infos (since i gave a false name) using my 11B and my IC, 1WO Chua decided to let the matters rest but he said he will bring up this matter to his officer/my unit. I was like "ok, do what ever u want, the offence will be? i dunno, wearing slippers and lying abt my name?"

just when I was about to step off and walk away, that "excellent and sibeh garang" WO (which i dunno isiz WO Wang or WO Wong) stop me again, this time round, he ask to check my handphone and my pockets...

at this point of time, I am really WTF liaoz, when i come in u dun check, when i wanna go out, u check for all these

ok, i think this time round i am pwn-ed by these people, i emptied my pockets, revealing my camera phone and NDS, that "excellent and sibeh garang" WO Wang/Wong thinks that he caught a big fish (me), ask the guard to take down my phone serial number, check my photo contents and also take down my NDS serial number as well. Then he ask me to counter sign on some paper that the poor guard wrote. And the best thing is, he ask his men to use a metal detector to scan my body (Big Clap)

at this point of time, i dun wanna say anything liaoz

But to my surprise, that "excellent and sibeh garang" WO Wang/Wong, actually ask me, "do u know u are suppose to surrender all these?"


I answered him, "sir, in the 1st place ur guards should conduct a check on me and ask me to surrender those stuff, i am just here buying some emart things"

To my surprise, 1WO Chua actually said something along this line "We know wat to do, we dun need you to teach ur father how to do things" (well done soldier for saying this word "ur father")

after all these fiasco, I ask the WO Wang/Wong, "Can I go now? I am in a hurry, dun ask me to stop again later on." Its only then, i was let go...

thru this incident, I learn a few things (in my point of view)

Wear slippers to Emart only when u are an officer or when u drove in to camp (Then only the WOs will not make things difficult for you or the guards will not see u in slippers)

Always give ur true name when question by army staff in uniform (u dun wanna end up in that embarrasses situation that I am in)

When going into camp, PLEASE~! DUN BRING PSP, NDS, CAMERA PHONES even u are going there for a short while

As far as I am thinking right now, few questions in my head...

Will the guards, MPs RPs conduct checks for SFI drivers who deliver food for cook house?

Will those WOs conduct a "No warning" spot checks on all the bunks and officers on their possession of camera phones, smart phones and handheld consoles?

Since Army allows sandals to be worn, should I just wear the sandals without fastening the straps?

Anyway, still I must thank 1WO Chua for letting the matters rest at wearing slippers and hostile tone and to that WO Wang/Wong, I think Army should give u a promotion for ur "garang-ness"

thats all for my frustration...

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

something for me to take note only

Samsung's LN-T3253H is the successor to the LN-S3251D

Monday, October 06, 2008

hmmm.... might want to get this

hmmm maybe this will be my new "like" in the future

Kazuo Kawasaki

Kazuo Kawasaki MP704 or MP705 glasses :)

Serangoon Gardens Fiasco

yes this decision to turn the former Serangoon Gardens Technical School in Burghley Drive into a hostel for 1,000 foreign workers is a Fiasco, and yes its a fiasco

Define Fiasco

"A fiasco is a complete, abject, or utterly humiliating, failure"

its a failure in decision...

y must HE agree to this project? i dun really understand

y not build a hostel in ORCHARD instead?

i come out with this say say poem (its not even a poem lol improm2)

well its not up to us to say,
say much got use meh?

might as well dun say,
say liaoz = to bai say
say wrong later = pai say
say right later ppl say u cake say

might as well just say say only
say liaoz = si beh song
say wrong later = buay song
say right later u will song song gao jurong

PS: next time buy house better dun buy near schools one lol

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Curse of the 3 kingdoms

Nope, its not a new series of "The Curse of the Golden Flower (满城尽带黄金甲)" and nope, its not the new series of "Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon (三国之见龙卸甲)" or "Red Cliff (赤壁)" But... its only the things that happened when I watch 3 kingdoms related shows

1st off... was watching 三国之见龙卸甲 with philip and gf @ bugis SHAW cinema theater 1 (i can still remember the theater number), 1/2 way thru the movie, drilling noise was heard, nvm, thinking that maybe its only 1 or 2 times, just bear with it... philip even commented that if the drilling sound come again, he will complain to the manager/Supervisor On Duty (SOD)... guess wat, the drilling sound dint once or twice but... 76348759237849 times... TMD the whole movie was spoilt with all the noise.

nvm, after the movie, i ask philip to go and talk to the SOD to complain abt the noise and demand a complimentary ticket for this. Philip, as a keyboard warrior, says nvm la, lets dun blow things up (normal la for keyboard warrior NATO lol) I beg to differ, i brought the 3 ticket studs and went up to the box office and express my dissatisfaction

the SOD can even ask me wat i want and offer me to re watch the show, i was like DIAO~! wtf would i wanna rewatch the show again? i demanded for 3 complimentary tickets for us to watch any shows we want. the SOD give in and let us have 3 complimentary tixs to watch any movie within 1 week (i was like 1 week? ok la still ok la, no fish, prawn also good)

this is the end of curse no. 1

next curse, was watching 赤壁 with gf in yishun 10 GV on 12/7/08, 1/2 way thru the show, power failure... POWER FAILURE? OMGWTFBBQ... so far my experience with watching movies i never encounter power failure before... lol, nvm, things do happen... was thinking of expressing my dissatisfaction to the SOD of GV yishun 10, but to my surprise, there is an announcement to express GV's apology and there will be complimentary for each tix bought... I was amaze :)

Well, I am still a satisfied customer with both GV and SHAW (although SHAW u need to whack them 1st before they do anything), hmmm.... 赤壁 part 2 will be airing on NOV 2008, maybe i shall watch it in Cathay instead (to end the curse) BUT..... if "things" still happen on 赤壁 part 2 on Cathay cinema.... then.... the curse is still on going................. scary.....

PS: 赤壁 is a nice show.... its a epic movie in asia (showing part 1 and 2, total of 4-5 hrs in total) but in ang moh countries (USA and such), they will cut and join it in such a way that its only a 2hrs 30mins movie (IMHO, its a bad idea, John Woo should make it in such way that its a trilogy like LOTR)

Friday, July 11, 2008


this is one of the blog entry by 1 of my favourite DJ from FM100.3 (1003)


文礼购物中心 (Boon Lay Shopping Centre)
裕廊坊 (Jurong Point)

Mustafa Shopping Centre

The Arcade (在莱佛士地铁站旁)
Cuppage Plaza (乌节路Centrepoint后面)



Monday, April 28, 2008

[CABAL Online] Brief Guide (punching)

Punching Locations
Lvl 1-6 Troglo
Lvl 6-8 Troglo Fighter
Lvl 8-11 Elder Troglo
Lvl 11-14 Dire Boar
Lvl 14-18 Plant Toad
Lvl 18-21 Bugzard
Lvl 21-24 Highzard
Lvl 24-31 Archonis
Lvl 31-39 Ape +
Lvl 39-50 WriggleLeaf
Lvl 50-61 Crag Crab
Lvl 61-66 Bugdolphy
By then, should already be Transcender