Please tune up the volume of the speakers, to enjoy this smoothing, sad love song

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Curse of the 3 kingdoms

Nope, its not a new series of "The Curse of the Golden Flower (满城尽带黄金甲)" and nope, its not the new series of "Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon (三国之见龙卸甲)" or "Red Cliff (赤壁)" But... its only the things that happened when I watch 3 kingdoms related shows

1st off... was watching 三国之见龙卸甲 with philip and gf @ bugis SHAW cinema theater 1 (i can still remember the theater number), 1/2 way thru the movie, drilling noise was heard, nvm, thinking that maybe its only 1 or 2 times, just bear with it... philip even commented that if the drilling sound come again, he will complain to the manager/Supervisor On Duty (SOD)... guess wat, the drilling sound dint once or twice but... 76348759237849 times... TMD the whole movie was spoilt with all the noise.

nvm, after the movie, i ask philip to go and talk to the SOD to complain abt the noise and demand a complimentary ticket for this. Philip, as a keyboard warrior, says nvm la, lets dun blow things up (normal la for keyboard warrior NATO lol) I beg to differ, i brought the 3 ticket studs and went up to the box office and express my dissatisfaction

the SOD can even ask me wat i want and offer me to re watch the show, i was like DIAO~! wtf would i wanna rewatch the show again? i demanded for 3 complimentary tickets for us to watch any shows we want. the SOD give in and let us have 3 complimentary tixs to watch any movie within 1 week (i was like 1 week? ok la still ok la, no fish, prawn also good)

this is the end of curse no. 1

next curse, was watching 赤壁 with gf in yishun 10 GV on 12/7/08, 1/2 way thru the show, power failure... POWER FAILURE? OMGWTFBBQ... so far my experience with watching movies i never encounter power failure before... lol, nvm, things do happen... was thinking of expressing my dissatisfaction to the SOD of GV yishun 10, but to my surprise, there is an announcement to express GV's apology and there will be complimentary for each tix bought... I was amaze :)

Well, I am still a satisfied customer with both GV and SHAW (although SHAW u need to whack them 1st before they do anything), hmmm.... 赤壁 part 2 will be airing on NOV 2008, maybe i shall watch it in Cathay instead (to end the curse) BUT..... if "things" still happen on 赤壁 part 2 on Cathay cinema.... then.... the curse is still on going................. scary.....

PS: 赤壁 is a nice show.... its a epic movie in asia (showing part 1 and 2, total of 4-5 hrs in total) but in ang moh countries (USA and such), they will cut and join it in such a way that its only a 2hrs 30mins movie (IMHO, its a bad idea, John Woo should make it in such way that its a trilogy like LOTR)

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