Please tune up the volume of the speakers, to enjoy this smoothing, sad love song

Monday, August 22, 2005

Just another boring monday with few comments to make

Today, as usual, monday bluez... bz as usual on the bloody monday, just wondering, are He?????Pac???? PC programmed to fail on weekends? I ponder... or isiz Singaporeans are too stupid to operate PCs?? I ponder 2... or isiz He?????Pac???? PCs that sucky?? I ponder 3...

anyway, I'm still quite bothered by the backstabbing incident on last friday, hmmm... guess the world isnt that perrrrrfect after all... friends back stabbing friends, friends snatching other friends gf and etc

as usual, after lunch more relax, those end users' PCs starts to work properly liaoz (see wat i mean by programmed to fail?), now i have time to surf some random webbies on the net.

Surf, surf, surf, then msn alert on taskbar, oh its Kel..., knn must be pestering me to return him a testi for friendster, i know i know, but i no time to write... Oh... to my surpise, he present me with a webby?

Wat link is that, oh... i see the web link i know liaoz, its a blog belonging to my frenz B (B for BLACK, yeah u know y later)

hey, go and have a look say Kel... ok, as the saying goes, curiosity kills a cat (or rather me), i click on it, kaoz, black, black, black and a bit of grey and white... haiz... as usual, this frenz B of mine, his world is just made up of black, grey and white (and i think a bit of blue also)... ya ya i know wat he will say, "I like all these color wat, wat I dun like, I dun want it!!!" (as per his blog)

as i read on, oh... he is actually giving a comment on wat i said on sat's gathering, and its quite a negative one (ya true, how could one thinks positively when his world is made up of black, white, grey) hmmm maybe in order to let him know my real intention for writing a CRAPPY (or rather truthful testi), i think i should explain myself clearly before he take it too personal and offensively, i come out with this "阿乾三字经" (translate as ah khiang 3 words classic)

Bird feels cold. Drop from tree. Bird feels cold.
Cow comes by. Cow saw bird. Shit on Bird.
Very very smelly. Bird feels warm. Bird fell asleep.
Wait for awhile. Cat comes by. Cat saw bird.
Dig bird out. From the Shit. Put into Mouth.
Cat eats bird. Cat feels full. RIP for Bird.

I hope he can absorb the meaning of my 三字经, if he cant absorb, dear my friends who know him, pls explain to him.

PS: I dint say u aint MAN enough, u MAN or not MAN enough is deem thru ur actions, but i guess wat u have done has aready proven the facts aready, I need not explain further. A real MAN will admit his mistake. A real Man will admit his shortcomings and change those shortcomings.

PS: I only say, "Well, Kel, if u are dare enough to accept my testi, i must say u are the M.A.N" "Not like someone, who rejected my testi just becoz i wrote something bad(crappy as wat he deem, the truth as wat I deem)" Did i say u aint MAN enough? (I suppose Hen and Kel dint hear that too) I guess its just ur assumption... or isiz sub-consciously u have admitted that u are not that MAN after all?

PS: As I read thru the past blog, i was kinda disturbed for wat Frenz B said:

" But I realised that most of the time I'm the one accompanying my frens in activites they enjoy... and only once in a blue moon, someone might accompany me in the activities I enjoy.And I've lost track of when the last blue moon was...Maybe I'm just the weird nut among my frens... the activities I liked/enjoyed aint their cup of tea..."

All I can say is, open ur bloody mouth and ask, u might possibly get the things that u want, the mouth isnt there just for eating and suck thumb only... (this quote is also inside that "REJECTED" testi)

Maybe all i can say is... some things are meant to be serious, some things are meant to be casual. If u take serious things too casual, ppl say u are not serious enough, if u take casual things too serious, ppl say u are too rigid and no sense of humor.

FYI, blog is a personal space, i agree, but there are always rooms for others to come in, if u take this personal space toooooo personal, u might as well put a password on, and only u urself can go in...

take care my friend B (Black)

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