Please tune up the volume of the speakers, to enjoy this smoothing, sad love song

Monday, December 01, 2008

Angry Encounter @ an Army Camp in the West

Today i went to an Army Camp in the West to purchase some army stuff as well as eating in the canteen (since i was in that Camp 4 years ago as a NSF)

I arrived the camp in taxi. 4 years ago, taxi had to park outside and we are required to walk in. As i arrived the camp at ard 1pm plus, the main gate is open, so i try my luck by asking the cabbie to drive in to the camp and stop at the guard house, the guards and the gate IC dint stop me, so i tot, "wow, since when army camp is so liberal" nevertheless, i paid my cab fare and alight, my dress code, Tshirt, 3/4 pants, slippers.

I sign in at the guard house, hand over my IC in exchange of a camp pass.

Now being a normal civilian, things like camera phones, handhelp console (PSP, NDS) are some of the usual stuff that i bring along when i am outside, I was surprise the guards, MP or RP dint ask me to surrender any of the above. Talking about sercurity?? Lol I see none here. Nonetheless, I proceed on to the Emart to purchase my stuff. (thanks god they dint make my life difficult)

After i purchase my stuff, ate the canteen food, i walk down the stairs to go to toilet, passby cook house, just when i was about to make a turn to the toilet, I was stop by a Warrant Officer (As he was in Army Tee and shorts, I dint knew he was a WO till later on) and was questioned on why am I in slippers walking around. (Shortly after his colleagues came by, 1WO Chua and another specialist in uniform)

As I was in a hurry (to the toilet), perhaps my tone isn't that good, i just say, "I am a civilian coming to Emart to buy some stuff." Then I rush off to the direction of the toilet. Once again, I was ordered a halt by 1WO Chua as on "Why my tone is so hostile?"

ok, a break at this point to state my point of view... WTF is going on here?

This 1WO Chua, (in my Point of View, I think he is afraid of offending the higher ranking officers), he ask abt my rank and my name 1st (just in case i am a officer). In my thinking, I wasnt commiting any offences of being sounded "hostile", i gave false info on my name (with the thinking that he wont be so garang as to book me or stop me from leaving the camp).

After all the soft "argument", i ask the WO and 1WO Chua, "Can I go to my toilet now?" (my bladder gonna explode liaoz), I was let go to my toilet break.

at this point, pls bear in mind that I am a normal civilian with camera phone and NDS (which i was not told to surrender) and with slippers and 3/4 pants

After the letting off of yellow water, I proceed on to the guard room to get out of here, BUT~! little did I realise, the NSF in the guardroom asked me if i had some conversation with some WOs earlier on, i said yes, then I was told that the WOs dun allow me to go out of the camp till they arrived at the guardroom.

at this point of time, i am thinking, siao liaoz, i gave false name/info to 1WO Chua, if he tallies with my IC, i die liaoz

Nevertheless, i wait for the arrival of the 3 (WO, 1WO Chua and a specialist in uniform)

1st, I was question on why I lied on my name, (i am thinking i am not committing any crimes or offences, y should I give u my true infos when I was permit an entry at the guardhouse?)

I am on the losing end (since I lied), i apologize to 1WO Chua that i lied abt my name.

2nd, I was question on why my attire is Tee, 3/4 pants and slippers?

Lol, this question is really a WTF question (this is my thinking)

I answered, 1st, there are no written rules saying that the above mentions were not allow to wear to camp. 2nd, being a normal civilian, cant i wear wat I like when i just wanna buy something? 3rd, if my attire is really that inapportiate, i should be stop at the gate, but why am I granted an entry?

Then after the tallying of my infos (since i gave a false name) using my 11B and my IC, 1WO Chua decided to let the matters rest but he said he will bring up this matter to his officer/my unit. I was like "ok, do what ever u want, the offence will be? i dunno, wearing slippers and lying abt my name?"

just when I was about to step off and walk away, that "excellent and sibeh garang" WO (which i dunno isiz WO Wang or WO Wong) stop me again, this time round, he ask to check my handphone and my pockets...

at this point of time, I am really WTF liaoz, when i come in u dun check, when i wanna go out, u check for all these

ok, i think this time round i am pwn-ed by these people, i emptied my pockets, revealing my camera phone and NDS, that "excellent and sibeh garang" WO Wang/Wong thinks that he caught a big fish (me), ask the guard to take down my phone serial number, check my photo contents and also take down my NDS serial number as well. Then he ask me to counter sign on some paper that the poor guard wrote. And the best thing is, he ask his men to use a metal detector to scan my body (Big Clap)

at this point of time, i dun wanna say anything liaoz

But to my surprise, that "excellent and sibeh garang" WO Wang/Wong, actually ask me, "do u know u are suppose to surrender all these?"


I answered him, "sir, in the 1st place ur guards should conduct a check on me and ask me to surrender those stuff, i am just here buying some emart things"

To my surprise, 1WO Chua actually said something along this line "We know wat to do, we dun need you to teach ur father how to do things" (well done soldier for saying this word "ur father")

after all these fiasco, I ask the WO Wang/Wong, "Can I go now? I am in a hurry, dun ask me to stop again later on." Its only then, i was let go...

thru this incident, I learn a few things (in my point of view)

Wear slippers to Emart only when u are an officer or when u drove in to camp (Then only the WOs will not make things difficult for you or the guards will not see u in slippers)

Always give ur true name when question by army staff in uniform (u dun wanna end up in that embarrasses situation that I am in)

When going into camp, PLEASE~! DUN BRING PSP, NDS, CAMERA PHONES even u are going there for a short while

As far as I am thinking right now, few questions in my head...

Will the guards, MPs RPs conduct checks for SFI drivers who deliver food for cook house?

Will those WOs conduct a "No warning" spot checks on all the bunks and officers on their possession of camera phones, smart phones and handheld consoles?

Since Army allows sandals to be worn, should I just wear the sandals without fastening the straps?

Anyway, still I must thank 1WO Chua for letting the matters rest at wearing slippers and hostile tone and to that WO Wang/Wong, I think Army should give u a promotion for ur "garang-ness"

thats all for my frustration...


Anonymous said...

lol no choice, army breed f-up regulars lol

Anonymous said...

about the "your father" maybe u can complain to the camp commander or even mindef.

Anonymous said...

dude, as a NSmen, you should know the rules of a SAF camp.

Anonymous said...

clearly you are aware of the rules... be glad that u got away unharmed

Anonymous said...

fake your name. well done.
didn't surrender the prohibited items. well done.
wear slippers... e-mart is not your wet market or even supermarket.
you should be glad they take the case and be xialan with you. if they had handed you to police, u will be in more trouble, or at least waste more of your time.
and ahchuan.. f-up reg wont stop him. they will find excuse to stay away from camp and duties... it's not even being a army regular. they are not fit to even be a human being.

Annoymous said...

Law by Law , seems you broke quite a few there.

When you broke it but u have a reason to back it up. You still broke it irregardless..

so next time be careful.

Summerblue said...

lol thanks Harmony :)

just cant stand singaporean for being too law by law

taxi can drove in to guard house liaoz, they even allow sandals, y not slippers?

so a normal civilian must produce a excuse from covered shoes even i merely just wanna buy things from emart?

Anonymous said...

You know you cannot bring such items still wan to test water..Obviously looking for trouble, they could easily detain you as you are in the jurisdiction of an army camp..

Anonymous said...

u r in the wrong still act like u r in the right, pls wake up ur idea! stupid ass with no sense of reality...

Anonymous said...

Cant blame those warrant. You should not have done the above mentioned things in the 1st place, trying to test water when you clearly know NS regulations. Have to say you deserved it.

Anonymous said...

Hey dude dont try to act smart or be a hero la . good enough that your not being detained in DB for all these acts. NSFs are being charged into DB for bringing in camera HPs.

Anonymous said...

Ok, let me see. Why did the WO let you off?

reason is simple. If the matter blows up, everyone will know that the RP is not doing their job and probably this WO will kana also.

Anonymous said...

hi summerblue,like to know wats the title of the sad,love song.

Anonymous said...

LOL as a person who served Army before, u shd know wat r prohibited... prob they wanna double check on u is oso cos of ur attitude towards them... Frankly i don tink those SFI will talk to them like u did...
If u smuggle cigarettes and wasn caught, den u do it again and was caught, can u say tat the previous time u wasn checked? Go tink bout it...

Anonymous said...

ORD 4 years ago, doesn't give you the right to waltz into camps dress like a clown.

You are freaking lucky they didn't haul you and your hand phone to MSD judging by your attitude.

Anonymous said...

Fuck all the CB camp and the regulars inside. All these low self esteem motherfucking Warrant are like guard dogs, looking for ways to throw their weight around only. See officers only behave like dog again.

Without their rank, they are nothing, they are the same as a security guard at the shopping mall, just overpaid.

Jobs and Scholarships for foreigners. KNNBCCB!
NS for Singaporeans. FUCK SAF!

Anonymous said...

SAF is a big wayang la. All that bullshit rules and simi lj defence. Make my toes laugh only.

Cameras are prohibited because you might take photos of the regulars lazing around wasting taxpayer's money, sia suay them if you put on the net. (But we already know how fuck up SAF is)

Not because of what lanjiao military secret, macham all the secrets there lying around for people to take meh?? Those morons inside kena bought over by their own lies.

Anonymous said...

What can your nds do to them? Copy out all their secrets? Sometimes they have to use brain a bit la.

If you are MAJ summerbluesea, that WO sure kneel down and lick your shoes. You can step on his head and tie your shoe lace, at the same time make him bark and you take a video. HAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

what you said actually made sense.. they should have told you before you entered..

you shldnt be that blur as to tell them you had a chat with the warrants.. in that case you'll be freed..

yup.. bring the "your father" thing to mindef and maybe you'll call him sergeant chua in future..

Anonymous said...

You keep emphasize you are civilian... tell you what... civilians can't wear t-shirts to high-class resturant? civilians can't do anything you like when you are in certain enviornment. Needless to say that you are in a government bounded area.
I think you are not mature yet having served NS.
Slippers and Sandals are in different category dude. FYI You can wear sandals unstrapped in camp too.

Ya, that WO let the matter rest because he doesn't want to blow up this matter and perhaps for what you have challenge or teach them to do. The guard on the desk duty may be got few extras.

Last but not least, not too cool to mention names ya? Since you want to keep the camp anonymous. bad move.
Good Luck Mr Civilian. =D

Anonymous said...

It is really immature of you to constantly complain throughout your post of your innocence, and how you amazingly seem to have the idea that you were picked on by mistake.

As a Singaporean and NSman, please remember the events of 9/11 and the various terrorist attacks that we have seen. Have you forgotten how a fellow Singaporean has so recently lost her life in Mumbai?

It was perhaps a lapse in security when the RPs did not search you for contraband items. However, that does not make your actions right. Posters are put up everywhere to remind visitors to surrender the various electronic items, furthermore, you should definitely know all the rules since you have been through national service.

You seem to think that lying about your name is a minor offence. Be thankful that the Warrant officers were willing to let you go. Why would one provide a false name unless he has something to hide. Haven't terrorists entered a country on the pretense of a false name?

Please show respect to the national servicemen, for you were once like them. Show respect to your seniors, for it is they who are the first line of defence for our country. Lastly, please show respect for yourself so as not to come across as an imbecile who is so complacent about the matters affecting the world today.

It is all too convenient to laugh and scorn about until it hits really close to home.

Anonymous said...

U MFKNNBCCB!!! U think u civillian big f*** ah!!! Keep saying u r just a civillian! If u are a civillian, u shouldnt go into the army camp, pretending it is ur MFer camp! If u are a civillian, u wouldnt eat their MFer food! If u are a civillian, u wouldnt buy their MFer E-MART thing!!! All in all, u are a MFer who think this world owns you a living.(Same to those who scold the army camp)

Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous above me.
Are you one of those loser regulars in those wretched camps?

Hope you come ORD as a security guard and remember to start growing a brain when you are out. :)

Anonymous said...

Obviously, you are really testing the system. The last time round, someone was caught and handed over to SIB for investigation. Consider yourself lucky.

So what if we are a civilian? Big FCUK??? Can waltz into the camp and demand people to give way yo you cos we will blog or complain to MINDEF? Can't imagine if a JI bomber does that and goes into our camp and blow up himself.

Posting this blog is already a chargeable offence if MINDEF trace you.

Anonymous said...

You are one of those pathetic losers who goes into blogs or news forum to kao peh kao bu about NS.

If you have the guts, identify yourself openly, or go to MINDEF to make formal complain! Hide under your wife's or mother's skirt and kao peh! What a loser! Make yourself heard formally!

Pathetic mother farkers! No wonder they say Singaporeans are obedient losers.

Anonymous said...

Dude, it's a blessing to get out of the army.. Must you go to the camp just to eat and buy stuff?

I can't wait to get out myself, and I won't ever want to step into a camp unless necessary..

Anonymous said...

Eh did this blog post get thrown onto EDMW or something? I see army haters and self-righteous vigilants

As to why he went back to that army camp in the west, I can fully understand, and would have gone with him if I had time to go. In our case its for sentimental and gastronomical reasons.

Why suddenly so many people show up with "oh respect the army and its rules.. you should follow the rules etc. etc." Ask yourself, when you served in army, were you perfect? I guess not. Let the one who has not sinned cast the first stone. So now what about it? Before I go back to camp and visit emart for some essentials, I have to find a place, dump everything I have on me that would be deemed illegal and go in? What if I was rushing for time? What if I don't have time and I need stuff for my next in-camp? So how? And Yes there are people who are THAT busy. Alot of things are really a trade-off between being practical, and following the rules.

Yes while I agree my friend here has that shitty attitude of his, alot of things take 2 hands to clap. 2 things can happened if you are threatened. You cower in fear or you fight back. Obviously he took the 2nd option, which isn't that bad an idea at times, and perhaps it wasn't a good choice then, it wasn't a very bad choice either. Why were regulars picking on a civilian? Truly vigilant or just scoring points on a boring day, perhaps only they will know better.

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